Shipping module

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Shipping module

The shipping module adds a new module based on the delivery product view with the following fields:
• Production
• Shipment
• Product Destination

It will also add a button so you can ship available quantities that are ready in production (in stock) and moves the quantities from Production to Shipment. You can select all products for a customer in the list and put them on a new delivery order. The original orders are split and the delivery order is ready for invoicing.

INTRODUCTION dyn_shipping Version: 6.1

This module allows the user to get an overview of all available and ready products from production that he can ship.

The products ready ca be selected and the user can use the lines he wants to put on a delivery order (they must belong to the same customer).

Not all lines can be shipped at once, so the quantities can be changed (you can split a line with the quantities you need).

Ship Products Overview

Column Production contains all quantities available for shipment. For lines that are not already delivered, the user can change the quantity he wants to ship, and split in 2 or more lines. When pressing the button (quick change button) the corresponding quantities from Production are transferred to the Shipment column and the Production quantities will be subtracted from with the entered value.

If everything is ready for transport, the Deliver/Receive Products will generate the appropriate delivery notes for the customer. Also the corresponding shipment lines on the order must be changed accordingly.

The user can ship only Available shipment lines.
The action will generate the following screen:

When the action is validated, Delivery Order report is generated and a Delivery Order is created with the selected products for shipment.

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