Posting Journals module

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24,95 €

Posting Journals module

Standard Odoo Journal entries is missing some functionality which will enable accountants to close faster and save time during the closing process. Financial periodically closing procedures in most companies are pretty tough and this module can result in nice time savers.


Automatic posting of journals, basic functionality if you choose so, only gives the possibility to post journal per journal.
With this feature you can post all your journals in a specific period on the fly at once.
Reversal of journals will enable you to reverse for example an accrual in the next period or any booking made by mistake from any type of journal.
Debit and credits will be switched in the new journal and the reference to the original journal will be available.
A feature is made available that extends the possibility of duplicating journals that you try to do from a closed period.
The standard error message will only appear after you try to confirm the booking not at the moment of duplication.

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